Sunday, August 10, 2014

Amazing artist

Its Wolfy  and first a sincere apoligyfor being so absent i've been caught up in school and Deviantart speaking of deviantart if you have an account or make an account! her user is Loopy44 Check out this awesome art work she made for me!
Its my old artic wolf she used to be so epic!I lost my membership but awesome things still await for me! Anyways commision her or donate points every point counts shes saving up for membership! 
On with the news.
It looks like the ice cream parlor won the contest and-Opps! I spilled my icecream D': 
Hey at least theres an icecream parlor jukebox to get me some more ! 
Well these items are both non member but hey always look on the bright side of the moon!
In other news monkey cranes 
To conclude this article Otters !
I hope everyone recovered from the hack on aj! 
Our mascot might change from time to time anyways! Wolfy  OUT!