Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hey guys :3

                                                                  Its me SolarNebuleCat!
Sorry for not posting for a long time, I have been talking to my friends, and working on getting done with school but im some what differ now because now that im 15 i been hanging out with friends and friday i had got my hair colored differ its now black and more!

Image result for solarnebulecat ajRawr~ :3

Saturday, November 15, 2014

I know fianally the 2 mounth hiatus is over

its,Wolfy  and I know its been a while but im opening up my doors again I lost my membership and now I check aj from time to time and I guess when u lose your membership and all its not that fun..I understand that explains my friend Nytefaerie's absence and her including ''unfortunately for members'' alright,I know but im getting a membership soon so hopefully I can finally feel normal and get back to my blog,Animal jam was the first place I met my forever friends and we became something greater then just,''that person on your buddy list you hang out with alot.'' thats nice but we became so much greater I...grew up with these friends....honestly they've changed alot things change as we get so much older,I know its scary but it happens and we lose some of us...honestly i never lost nyte or anyone its just that our absence is strict but we are making friends along the way. I'll try to reboot this and maybe get it more active with new authors such as people like Rainstormthegreat,Snowyysparks,and maybe mati will be able to reboot in still considering people I have some people I know for sure would be great authors but i don't know if they would.
ALRIGHTY so now.        

rainstorm thegreat


ALSO:now snowyyspark showed me a picture of this new mace tail AN UNREALEASED ITEM its also known as mummy tail 
 this isn't the picture she showed me she showed me a better one but its on my tablet but heres another picture looks amazing and it looks nm! how exciting also the fact that these are beta accounts! this lies another mystery from animal jam

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Amazing artist

Its Wolfy  and first a sincere apoligyfor being so absent i've been caught up in school and Deviantart speaking of deviantart if you have an account or make an account! her user is Loopy44 Check out this awesome art work she made for me!
Its my old artic wolf she used to be so epic!I lost my membership but awesome things still await for me! Anyways commision her or donate points every point counts shes saving up for membership! 
On with the news.
It looks like the ice cream parlor won the contest and-Opps! I spilled my icecream D': 
Hey at least theres an icecream parlor jukebox to get me some more ! 
Well these items are both non member but hey always look on the bright side of the moon!
In other news monkey cranes 
To conclude this article Otters !
I hope everyone recovered from the hack on aj! 
Our mascot might change from time to time anyways! Wolfy  OUT!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Update

Hey guys! Major here with the new Animal Jam update. This week's update
was a bit hectic with people thinking Animal Jam was gonna close and stuff but
they updated and everything's back to normal.

But first thing's first, there are new pet rhinos that you can buy in the Diamond Shop!

Now most people have been seen with many rares and betas from the new adventures
and now Animal Jam has created the new Beta Party! The Beta Party contains many betas
from back when Animal Jam first opened their doors.

A rumor has been going around Jamaa that a new animal is coming to AJ, and some
think it could possibly be an otter.

Also, a winner has been chosen for the new animal accessory, and the winner was
a ribbon scarf! The colors are red, blue, white, purple, orange, black,
pink, and green. They are 500 gems and are available for both non-members
and members.

Animal Jam has created a new insider guide for jammers that contains secrets and
help for new jammers, and contains info on all you need to know!

Animal Jam is thinking of adding new den sets such as ice cream parlor, Egyptian treasure, or
a hair salon. You can now vote in the journal and pick your favorite
den set.

Now besides news, I wanted to share that Animal Jam has updated their
loading screen and it varies from rhinos, monkey, or underwater!

Finally to finish off our update, you may remember the new water adventure
Too Deep, well now you can play it in hard mode, and your animal
must be Level 1 to play this adventure so no need to 
do multiple adventures to level up and play this game. Secondly, many jammers must've
asked for more videos so that's what AJ did. Now there are many more videos
at Tierney's Theater, Sarepia Theater, and the Brady Barr Theater.

Now before we end the update it's time for Fanart of The Day!
Today's is by Rainwolfy on

 That's all for today! Later jammers!-Major

Friday, July 18, 2014

New den stuff / Scented Candles

Hey jammers today ajhq has new den stuff and its  scented candle's and  i love them alot you sould see my den o.o XD and they r 350.00 gems x3 i love them so ya bye tigerpaw out byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Rhinos are Back and More!

Hey guys! Major here with Animal Jam's new update. To start off, rhinos have returned to Jamaa!


In other news, there is a new underwater adventure called, Too Deep. The adventure is for members only, and is currently the second underwater adventure. This time it features a new animal, that might come to AJ, but most likely not.

A new game has arrived to the Summer Carnival and it is called Dunk-A-Phantom. Inspired by the original dunking booth game, the goal of the game is, of course, too try and dunk the phantom into water before time runs out.

Speaking of the Summer Carnival, there are new prizes or accessories coming soon! They have already arrived to the carnival, but only 1 accessory has not arrived yet. The store is currently having a sale on some items but some items still are at prices of 1,000.

Another sale has been going on and will be for 2 weeks. The sale is all hats in Jamaa are 50% off, so be sure to buy your favorite hat that you've always wanted!

Finally, to end this update, a party has arrived for this July, and that is non other than the Jamaaliday Party. Although it is July and it's suppose to appear in December, Animal Jam decided to reward us with this Christmas Party!

And thus ends our update! But we can't end it without today's FanArt of The Day! Today's is by The Phobophobia on!

Later! -Major

Monday, June 30, 2014

Aj's new update!!!

Hey jammers AJ has got a  new  update and  i have  some pic  to show u of the  updates and new stuff!
The new pet giraffes they are just to cute! And they are at the diamond shop for 3 diamonds!
The new den is so big u can get lost in it x3! And its in the diamond shop for 7 diamonds!
We have the freedom party again jammers but the freedom party has a new hat!
Freedom fox hat!

Plz help the lions they are in endangered and go to the Conservation Museum to learn more and  help them out some plz!