Saturday, November 15, 2014

I know fianally the 2 mounth hiatus is over

its,Wolfy  and I know its been a while but im opening up my doors again I lost my membership and now I check aj from time to time and I guess when u lose your membership and all its not that fun..I understand that explains my friend Nytefaerie's absence and her including ''unfortunately for members'' alright,I know but im getting a membership soon so hopefully I can finally feel normal and get back to my blog,Animal jam was the first place I met my forever friends and we became something greater then just,''that person on your buddy list you hang out with alot.'' thats nice but we became so much greater I...grew up with these friends....honestly they've changed alot things change as we get so much older,I know its scary but it happens and we lose some of us...honestly i never lost nyte or anyone its just that our absence is strict but we are making friends along the way. I'll try to reboot this and maybe get it more active with new authors such as people like Rainstormthegreat,Snowyysparks,and maybe mati will be able to reboot in still considering people I have some people I know for sure would be great authors but i don't know if they would.
ALRIGHTY so now.        

rainstorm thegreat


ALSO:now snowyyspark showed me a picture of this new mace tail AN UNREALEASED ITEM its also known as mummy tail 
 this isn't the picture she showed me she showed me a better one but its on my tablet but heres another picture looks amazing and it looks nm! how exciting also the fact that these are beta accounts! this lies another mystery from animal jam

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