Hey jammers wolfy here and today hyenas came to jamma unfortunately there diamond shop animals im saving but I know major will have enough when he redeemed his card a weird glitch happened and he got 65 diamonds!I molmentarily only have 7...-sigh- Oh well gotta save up!
nyways heres a picture of someone having fun with there hyena
I found this kind person sharing her actions with each and every jammer so I decided to look round jamma for who has the best dressed hyena.There weren't many but I managed to find one
this hyena is wearing a little hat matching its color I thought it was a very bright idea and took a screen shot.In other news the summer carnival is back!Heres where you can get a raccoon tail!
And I suppose you all know how to get a phantom cotton-candy ! select black then white then black again! and you get this!
I remember the first time AJ had the phantom cotton candy secret it wasn't a secret long after ones who figured it out told people.Don't forget there's a variety of idems to choose from!
I think majors most interested in the beanie and will maybe do some stuff on tutorials for carnival idems !The carnival also has pet idems for your den.
There is also many awesome games you can play to earn tickets or just buy them.I happened to notice something new for buddy requests take a look.
Anyways I found a GIF on snowys hyena and look what this goofy animal does
Today I noticed that jammagrams have changed a bit
Also lets not forget the Vine rug the new idem can be perchased in jammaimports.Spoiler alert the new armor is spirit armor but there seems to be a spirit tail involved heres a little picture of one
But also remember that phoenix armor is going extinct but on clearence!So get your phoenix armor as well and quickly!Im afraid thats all for today to conclude this article is the pic of the day!